How To Store See'S Candy – Storables (2024)

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When it comes to indulging in delectable treats, See’s Candy is a brand that has brought joy to countless people for nearly a century. With its wide array of mouthwatering chocolates and candies, it’s no wonder that you want to savor every bite. But how do you ensure that your See’s Candy stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible? The answer lies in proper storage.

Storing See’s Candy correctly is essential to maintain its quality, flavor, and texture. Whether you’re stocking up on your favorite assortment or saving some for a special occasion, following a few simple guidelines can help prolong its shelf life and preserve its yumminess.

In this article, we will explore the best practices for storing your See’s Candy. From choosing the right storage container to controlling temperature and humidity, we will cover all the necessary steps to keep your chocolates in top-notch condition. So let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to perfectly storing See’s Candy!

Key Takeaways:

  • Proper storage of See’s Candy is crucial for maintaining its delectable taste and quality. From selecting the right container to avoiding light exposure, follow these steps to preserve the yumminess of your chocolates.
  • Take extra care when storing candies with nuts or caramel to maintain their unique textures and flavors. Freezing can be an option for prolonged storage, but ensure proper packaging and thawing techniques. Enjoy the pleasure of See’s Candy with every delightful bite!

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Selecting the Right Storage Container

The first step to storing See’s Candy properly is selecting the right storage container. The container you choose should provide airtight and moisture-proof protection to keep the candies fresh and prevent them from drying out or absorbing any unwanted odors.

Opt for food-grade containers made of materials like glass or plastic that have a tight-sealing lid. These containers will help maintain the integrity of the candies and protect them from exposure to air and humidity.

Transparent containers have an added advantage, allowing you to easily see the assortment of treats inside without opening the lid. This can be helpful in avoiding unnecessary handling and potential damage to the candies.

If you don’t have a suitable airtight container, you can wrap the candies individually in plastic wrap or store them in resealable plastic bags. Just make sure to squeeze out any excess air before closing the bag to create a tight seal.

Remember, the key is to keep the candies protected from moisture, air, and other contaminants to preserve their taste and texture.

Now that you have chosen the right storage container, let’s move on to the next step: temperature and humidity control.

Temperature and Humidity Control

Proper temperature and humidity control are crucial for storing See’s Candy. Extreme temperatures and high humidity can negatively affect the quality of the candies, leading to flavor loss, melting, or discoloration.

It is recommended to store See’s Candy in a cool, dry place with a consistent temperature between 60°F (16°C) and 70°F (21°C). Avoid areas of your home that experience temperature fluctuations, such as near windows or heaters, as these changes can cause the candies to become soft or even melt.

Excessive heat can cause the chocolate to bloom, creating a whitish or grayish appearance on the surface. While it does not affect the taste, it can diminish the visual appeal of the candies. So, always aim for a cool and stable storage environment.

In addition to temperature, humidity can also impact the quality of your candies. High humidity can cause the chocolates to absorb moisture from the air, resulting in a softer texture or a dull, sticky surface. To prevent this, store the candies in a dry area with humidity levels below 50%.

It’s worth noting that refrigeration is not recommended for storing See’s Candy unless absolutely necessary. The cold temperature and fluctuating humidity of the refrigerator can affect the taste and texture of the chocolates. However, if you live in a warm climate or during the summer months, refrigeration may be an option, but ensure the candies are sealed tightly in an airtight container to protect them from moisture and other food odors.

Now that you understand the importance of temperature and humidity control, let’s explore the next aspect of proper storage: the ideal storage location.

Proper Storage Location

The location where you store your See’s Candy plays a significant role in maintaining its quality and flavor. Choosing the right storage location is essential to minimize exposure to light, heat, and moisture.

Avoid placing your candies near sources of heat, such as radiators, ovens, or direct sunlight. Heat can cause the chocolates to melt or develop a greasy texture, compromising their taste and appearance. Instead, choose a cool and shaded area in your home, away from any heat-emitting appliances.

Try to find a spot that is not only cool but also well-ventilated. Good airflow can help prevent the accumulation of moisture, which can lead to sticky or softened chocolates. A pantry or a cupboard away from the kitchen sink or dishwasher is an ideal location.

Keep in mind that the storage location should be away from strong-smelling foods or substances, as chocolate readily absorbs odors. It is best to store your candies away from items like spices, onions, or cleaning products that could taint the delicate flavors of the chocolate.

Additionally, consider the height of the storage location. If you have pets or children, make sure the candies are stored out of their reach to prevent accidental consumption.

Now that you have selected the perfect storage location, another crucial factor in preserving the quality of See’s Candy is avoiding exposure to light.

Avoiding Exposure to Light

Exposure to light can have a detrimental effect on the quality and flavor of See’s Candy. Light, especially sunlight, can cause the chocolates to melt, discolor, or develop a whitish coating known as chocolate bloom.

To protect your candies from light, store them in a dark or opaque container. This will shield them from direct sunlight and prevent any potential damage. If you’re using a clear container, consider covering it with a cloth or storing it in a dark cupboard or pantry.

It’s important to note that artificial light sources can also affect the chocolates, albeit to a lesser extent. While it’s not as damaging as sunlight, it’s still advisable to store your candies away from areas with bright or intense lighting.

By minimizing their exposure to light, you can preserve the appearance and flavor of your See’s Candy for longer periods, ensuring that every bite is just as delightful as the first.

Now that we’ve covered the importance of avoiding light exposure, let’s explore another aspect of proper storage: preventing flavor mixing during storage.

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Preventing Flavor Mixing

One of the joys of See’s Candy is the assortment of flavors it offers. However, if the candies are stored together without any precautions, there is a risk of flavor mixing, where the flavors of different candies meld together and compromise the unique taste of each piece.

To prevent flavor mixing, it’s important to store each flavor separately or group similar flavors together. You can use dividers or compartments within your storage container to create separate sections for different flavors. This will help maintain the individual characteristics and nuances of each candy.

If you don’t have dividers or compartments, you can use small ziplock bags or wrap each candy individually in plastic wrap. This will create a barrier between the candies and help preserve their distinct flavors.

Another tip is to place strongly flavored candies, such as mint or raspberry, away from more delicate flavors like caramel or vanilla. This will minimize the chances of the strong flavors overpowering the subtle ones.

By taking these steps to prevent flavor mixing, you can enjoy the full range of flavors that See’s Candy has to offer, ensuring each bite is a delightful sensory experience.

Now that we’ve covered the key aspects of proper storage, let’s delve into the ideal conditions for storing See’s Candy.

Store See’s Candy in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and strong odors. Keep it in its original packaging or an airtight container to maintain freshness and prevent it from absorbing other flavors.

Store in a Cool, Dry Place

One of the most important factors in storing See’s Candy is to keep them in a cool and dry place. Cool temperatures help to maintain the shape and texture of the candies, while a dry environment prevents the growth of mold or bacteria.

As mentioned earlier, the ideal storage temperature is between 60°F (16°C) and 70°F (21°C). This temperature range ensures that the chocolates stay firm and maintain their quality. Avoid storing the candies in areas that experience temperature fluctuations, such as near windows or heating vents.

In addition to temperature, humidity levels also play a significant role. Moisture can cause the chocolates to become soft, sticky, or even develop a white coating. It’s important to store the candies in a dry area with humidity levels below 50%, if possible.

Avoid storing See’s Candy in the refrigerator unless absolutely necessary. While refrigeration can help keep the chocolates cool, the fluctuating humidity can adversely affect their texture and taste. If you live in a warm climate or during the summer months, refrigeration may be an option, but make sure the candies are tightly sealed in an airtight container to prevent moisture absorption.

It’s also crucial to keep the candies away from any sources of moisture in your storage area. Avoid placing them near sinks, dishwashers, or areas prone to leaks. Moisture can seep into the packaging and compromise the quality of the chocolates.

By storing See’s Candy in a cool and dry place, you can ensure that they retain their shape, texture, and deliciousness for an extended period, providing you with a delightful treat whenever the craving strikes.

Next, let’s discuss specific considerations for storing See’s Candy varieties that contain nuts or caramel.

Storing See’s Candy with Nuts or Caramel

See’s Candy offers a variety of delectable treats that include nuts or caramel. When it comes to storing these specific candies, there are a few additional considerations to ensure their freshness and optimal taste.

If your See’s Candy contains nuts, it’s essential to store them away from heat sources, as the high oil content in the nuts can cause them to become rancid in warm temperatures. Keep the nut-filled candies in a cool location to maintain their crunchiness and prevent any potential spoilage.

Candies with caramel centers require special care to maintain their smooth and creamy texture. Caramel is sensitive to temperature and humidity changes, so it’s crucial to store these candies in a cool and dry environment. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or warm areas, as heat can cause the caramel to become sticky or too soft.

To prevent individual caramel candies from sticking to each other, consider wrapping them individually in wax or parchment paper before storing them. This will help maintain their shape and prevent any unwanted flavor mixing.

When storing candies with nuts or caramel, ensure they are stored separately from other chocolates, especially those with delicate flavors. This will prevent any potential cross-contamination of flavors and maintain the integrity of each candy.

By paying attention to these specific considerations, you can enjoy the full flavor and texture of See’s Candy with nuts or caramel, ensuring a delightful taste experience with every bite.

Now, let’s explore the option of freezing See’s Candy for prolonged storage.

Freezing See’s Candy

If you have a large quantity of See’s Candy or want to prolong its shelf life, freezing can be a viable option. Freezing can help preserve the candies for an extended period, allowing you to enjoy them at a later time.

Before freezing, it’s important to ensure that the candies are properly packaged to prevent moisture absorption and maintain their flavor. Individually wrap each piece of candy in plastic wrap or place them in airtight containers. For added protection, you can place the individually wrapped candies in a freezer bag or airtight container.

When it’s time to freeze, make sure your freezer is set to a consistent temperature below 0°F (-18°C). Freezing the candies at a low, constant temperature helps to preserve their taste, texture, and overall quality.

It’s important to note that freezing can affect the texture of the chocolates. As chocolate freezes and thaws, it can develop a slightly different texture, known as chocolate bloom. This may cause a whitish or grayish appearance on the surface of the chocolate. While it doesn’t impact the taste, it can affect the visual appeal of the candies.

When you’re ready to enjoy the frozen See’s Candy, allow them to thaw in the refrigerator for a few hours or at room temperature for about 30 minutes. This gradual thawing process helps prevent condensation and maintain the quality of the chocolates.

It’s worth mentioning that while freezing can prolong the shelf life of See’s Candy, it’s best to consume them within six months for optimal flavor and quality. Over time, the candies may start to lose their freshness and might develop a slightly different taste.

By properly packaging and freezing See’s Candy, you can extend its shelf life and have a stockpile of delicious treats to enjoy whenever the mood strikes.

Now that we’ve covered freezing, let’s wrap up with some additional tips for prolonged storage of See’s Candy.

Read more: How To Store Candy

Tips for Prolonged Storage

Whether you’re storing See’s Candy for a special occasion or want to savor it over an extended period, here are some additional tips to ensure its prolonged storage:

  1. Rotate your stock: If you have a large quantity of See’s Candy, make sure to rotate your stock. Consume the older chocolates first to prevent any candies from going past their best-before date.
  2. Avoid strong odors: Keep the candies away from strong-smelling substances, such as perfumes, cleaning products, or spices. Chocolate can easily absorb odors, which can affect its taste.
  3. Avoid moisture: Ensure that your storage area remains dry. Moisture can cause the chocolates to become sticky or affect their texture. Consider using silica gel packets to absorb any excess moisture in the storage container.
  4. Handle with care: When handling the chocolates, make sure to clean your hands thoroughly and avoid touching them with wet or dirty hands. This helps maintain the chocolates’ integrity and prevents any potential contamination.
  5. Label your containers: If you have multiple types of See’s Candy or different expiration dates, label your containers to easily identify the flavors and expiration dates. This will help you keep track of the candies and ensure you consume them before they expire.
  6. Share the joy: Instead of letting your See’s Candy sit in storage for an extended period, consider sharing the joy with friends, family, or colleagues. It’s a great way to spread happiness and prevent the candies from going to waste.

By following these tips, you can prolong the storage life of See’s Candy and ensure that each piece remains fresh, delicious, and ready to be enjoyed.

Now that you have all the information on storing See’s Candy effectively, you can confidently indulge in these delightful treats while maintaining their quality and flavor. Remember, proper storage is the key to preserving the deliciousness of See’s Candy for as long as possible.

Enjoy your sweet journey and savor every moment of See’s Candy bliss!


Proper storage is essential for preserving the delectable taste and quality of See’s Candy. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your candies remain fresh, delicious, and ready to be enjoyed whenever the craving strikes.

From selecting the right storage container to controlling temperature and humidity, each step plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the chocolates. Avoiding exposure to light, preventing flavor mixing, and storing in a cool, dry place are all key considerations to keep in mind.

If you have candies with nuts or caramel, take extra care to store them in appropriate conditions to maintain their unique textures and flavors. And if you’re looking for a way to prolong the shelf life of your chocolates, freezing can be a viable option, as long as proper packaging and thawing techniques are followed.

Remember to rotate your stock, avoid strong odors, handle the candies with care, and consider sharing the joy with others. These additional tips will help ensure that your See’s Candy remains at its best for as long as possible.

Whether you’re stocking up on your favorite assortment or saving some for a special occasion, proper storage is the key to divine indulgence. So, find that cool, dry place, select the perfect storage container, and savor the sweetness of See’s Candy with every delightful bite.

Now that you have the knowledge and know-how, it’s time to embark on your sweet journey. Enjoy the pleasure of See’s Candy and let the flavors tantalize your taste buds. Happy storing and savoring!

Frequently Asked Questions about How To Store See'S Candy

What are the best ways to store See’s Candy?

The best way to store See’s Candy is to keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. A pantry or cupboard is ideal for maintaining the candy’s freshness and flavor.

Can I freeze See’s Candy for long-term storage?

While it is possible to freeze See’s Candy for long-term storage, it’s not recommended as it can affect the texture and taste of the candy. If you must freeze it, make sure to use airtight containers or freezer bags to minimize the risk of freezer burn.

How long can I store See’s Candy before it goes bad?

See’s Candy can typically be stored for several months if kept in the right conditions. However, it’s best to check the “best by” date on the packaging for specific guidelines. Proper storage can help extend the shelf life of the candy.

Should I keep See’s Candy in its original packaging?

Keeping See’s Candy in its original packaging is a good idea as it is designed to maintain the candy’s freshness. If the original packaging is damaged, consider transferring the candy to an airtight container to preserve its quality.

What should I do if my See’s Candy becomes stale?

If your See’s Candy becomes stale, you can try reviving it by placing it in a sealed container with a slice of bread or a damp paper towel for a few hours. The moisture from the bread or paper towel can help restore some of the candy’s freshness.

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How To Store See'S Candy – Storables (2024)
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