1. FANON - Special Touch Studios
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Frantz Fanon, a French psychiatrist from Martinique, has just been appointed head of department at the psychiatric hospital in Blida, Algeria. His methods contrast with those of the other doctors in a context of colonization. A biopic in the heart of the Algerian war where a fight is waged in the name of Humanity.
2. Jean-Claude Flamand-Barny - Unifrance
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Located in Paris, Unifrance employs around 50 staff members, as well as representatives based in the U.S. China and Japan. The organisation currently brings together more than 1,000 French cinema and TV content professionals (producers, talents, agents, sales companies, etc.) working together to promote French films and TV programmes among foreign audiences, industry executives and media.
3. Jean-Claude BARNY- Fiche Artiste - Réalisateur - AgencesArtistiques.com
d.gain@cineart.fr • Tel : 01 56 69 33 00. Retrouver Jean-Claude BARNY sur le site de son agent. Formation. 1992 - STAGE DE MISE EN SCENE. Cinéma. 2023 FANON ...
Retrouvez le profil de Jean-Claude BARNY sur agencesartistiques.com
4. "Le gang des Antillais" by Jean-Claude Barny - Karukerament
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I'm one of the people who went to see Le Gang des Antillais [international title: “Gang of the Caribbean”] when it came out on November 30th of 2016 in France ... It's been about ten years since I've been surrounded by West Indian people my age, so I admit I felt a twinge of sadness when I felt that
5. Jean-Claude Barny, Alexandre Bouyer • Director of and actor in ...
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06/12/2024 - The director and star talk about how they crafted their portrayal of Martiniquan intellectual Frantz Fanon on screen, and how they connected with others who identify with his story
6. GANG OF THE CARIBBEAN - Special Touch Studios
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In the 1970s, the BUMIDOM promised to promote the integration in metropolitan France of French people from DOM TOM. Jimmy Larivière, who arrived in Paris to rebuild his life, is unable to find his place in society. His encounter with a group of three young West Indians will lead him into a series of high-profile robberies.
7. Jean-Claude Barny — The Movie Database (TMDB)
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Jean-Claude Barny is known as an Director, Actor, Writer, Screenplay, and Casting. Some of his work includes Gang of the Caribbean, Nèg maron, Rose and the Soldier, Putain de porte, Fanon, and Bitter Tropics.
8. Fanon de Jean-Claude Flamand-Barny (2024) - Unifrance
... details. Type : Feature film; Genres : Fiction; Production language : French ... Contact · Press. Close. What are you looking for? Search. Le captcha est ...
Located in Paris, Unifrance employs around 50 staff members, as well as representatives based in the U.S. China and Japan. The organisation currently brings together more than 1,000 French cinema and TV content professionals (producers, talents, agents, sales companies, etc.) working together to promote French films and TV programmes among foreign audiences, industry executives and media.
9. Fanon - Film Fund Luxembourg
Contact Presse/Media · Creative Europe Desk Luxembourg · Pavillon VR ... Jean-Claude Barny. Producteur Luxembourgeois PAUL THILTGES DISTRIBUTIONS. En ...
Retrouvez toutes les informations à propos du film Fanon.