Petal (Ruthless Paradise, #2) (2024)

Hanna K. Brojan

115 reviews5 followers

February 3, 2023

I think Callie has changed so much in past few months. I think only now she is being her full self. I knew she was strong before but now she’s invincible. I already said it before and I’m gonna say it again - I’m in love with the love Kai and Callie have. I love them soo much. I wish this book would get more attention in the future because I KNOW everyone will be falling in love with them.

I love everything about this book. Characters and their development. I love the plot. I love how I think I got it all figured out but I keep getting surprised. I love that there is multiple pov, because every single character has its own story and I love seeing their perspective about things that are currently going on.

I am so glad that they somehow got a happy ending although there’s no end yet. But the way this book ends gives me so much hope. I also love the relationship between Kai and Archer. Archer is the villain that I loved from the moment that I first read about him. First time he was mentioned, and I already knew that he’s gonna be my favourite. Don’t get me wrong, I love Kai and Callie BUT he’s got that something and I can’t wait to read the third and fourth book and to learn and know more about him.

This book was not even about Archer, but I loved every second of his POV. And the reason why am I falling for him so hard is because I see that he just need someone to love him and there was a time when I thought that no one really loves and cares about me and I know how bad that can messes up with your head. I don’t wanna be cliche, but he’s just a villain who is misunderstood. And the more I read about him the more I’m convinced that he is actually the good guy.

I’m actually not that convinced about him and Kat and their relationship but I think that I’m going to be surprised and that I’m gonna love it. Maybe I just needed a little more of ‘them’. But I get it cuz this book wasn’t about them after all. Although there was one particular scene where I loved Kat so much, she really knows what she’s doing. And I- I can see why is he going to be obsessed with her.
I just wish for him to finally have people who will love him unconditionally. And I’m so glad that Kai decided to come back. I also loved Callie every single minute when she was supporting him in that the decision even though she still hates (and probably always will) Archer.

I’m starting with the third book today, and I can’t wait for the fourth one to come out. I love this book! 5 stars out of 5! I definitely recommend it because it’s a masterpiece and I wish and hope that this book gets the recognition it deserves.

Btw the 🌶️ is spicey. 😉

    broken-trauma dual-pov fav


82 reviews

March 22, 2023

Was underwhelmed by this sequel. I was vibing with the plot with the first book but I just feel like it’s a just an excuse to write a book about sex. I feel like the main characters really don’t have much character development and with the plot relying on this development that isn’t there is just disappointing. I just feel like there could have been more to these characters than them just being horny. You barely get much plot development with the only interactions between the two love interests being sex. I honestly don’t know if it’s worth reading the next books because I want the plot but I’m over the characters.


Author11 books47 followers

September 6, 2022

So this book was rounding out to be a solid 4.5 AND THEN SOMETHING HAPPENED. This is what I get for jumping to conclusions because L. Ray took care of us I just wasn’t prepared for it. First and foremost Callie and Kai FOREVER. Second this is what brought me to an unquestionable 5 stars. I thought I knew our villain. I THOUGHT. I figured Archer was our basic vindictive a**hole with a side of psychopath. Then something happened and I said ok he’s a vindictive ahole psychopath. AND THEN SOMETHING HAPPENED and yall. How in the world did I go from hating this vindictive psychopath to wanting to understand him better? I know there are books out there (ive read plenty) that gives us insight as to why the villain is the way he is. But this, this is different we are beginning to reach Hunting Adeline levels where you want to hate the villain but you find yourself rooting for them. I mean what? Oh and of course ALLLL THE SPICE. *jumps up and down* I WANT THE NEXT ONE.

Georgia Louey

173 reviews

September 8, 2022



334 reviews29 followers

January 10, 2023

This book was great, I am so glad that Kai and Archer finally get to yell it out with each other.


53 reviews

February 15, 2023

This one wasn’t as good as the first book sadly:(( I can tell it was needed to set up the rest of the story for the next two books but it felt forced and predictable


Melissa Euyoque

94 reviews

March 16, 2024

Honestly so solid.


97 reviews

June 18, 2023

So first of all. Na začátku mě to celý sralo a nechtěla jsem to číst a to ze dvou důvodů. Ten první je Katura a ten druhej je Archer. Nesnášim je (nebo jakoby Archera teď míň, ale i tak). Další knížku ze série nehodlám číst, protože je o Katuře a Archerovi, takže na to seru.
Kai a Callie jsou cute, dokonce mi sedl i smut v tomhle díle. Já bych těmhle dvoum úplně přála nějakej poklidnej family life.

C. Bassi

129 reviews

December 30, 2022

It's not horrible, but it's not great. It really seems like the plot wasn't really thought out, from beginning, to middle to end. Or maybe it's the writing. I'm not sure. Some parts I did enji6, others were incredibly boring.


46 reviews

October 12, 2023

Dystopian romance, post-nuclear war, on an island—I was invested from the first book. Love Kai and Callie’s relationship (and the spice), so I was really excited to read more about them.

However, the book was ruined for me because of Katura. I cannot understand why we got her point of view so often. I can’t stand her character—she only cares for herself and has a massive ego because she’s lived this crazy life that somehow makes her better than everyone. And whatever reason she had to be on the island made no sense whatsoever and that whole plot point felt so unnecessary to the story line. If her story and her POV were cut entirely, I would’ve enjoyed the book a lot more. I had to skim her POVs because it did not enhance the story at all. Plus, her thing with Archer just made me cringe. They have no chemistry and the lust between them was very off putting.

On another note, Archer is a horrible person. While I understand trauma can really change people for the worst, I’ve never believed it to be an excuse for doing disgusting things to people. I understood him better by the end, but I wish there could have been more of a redemption arc for him because the end was just not satisfying.

I would have loved to see more of Kai and Callie’s relationship, and the characters I loved from the first book. I would have enjoyed the book much more without Katura and all the unnecessary plot points surrounding her.


327 reviews6 followers

July 31, 2024

I really need to just start embracing the DNF. Because I really wish I wouldn't have finished this.

Book 1 was mid. This was so. much. worse.

I don't have the energy to spend any more time on this, so instead, here's a copy of my reading updates to sum up my thoughts:

- A fight club. That's really what's happening right now? Instead of just handling it, the bad guy is going to take him to a fight club and fight him. Really. I can't. I don't think I can do it. It's too absurd. Bro.

- Um, I'm sorry. I understand y'all are horny AF but the man can barely stand up after being beaten to a pulp but at the same time is totally fine to hold you up in the shower and bang. Ok.

- So the only thing you guys are gonna do is f*ck, huh. Just, over and over and over.

- BRUH. She "kept thinking" of him after the block party? Wondering where things went wrong??? Wondering if fate would bring them back together??? SINCE WHEN!!! You spent the last 4 years thinking he RAPED you!??? You know....... the main plot line/ miscommunication of book 1??? You were terrified when you first saw him again?? Could we AT LEAST keep the backstory consistent? BRUH!

- Ok no. Shut up right now. You literally came to this island to murder him. And suddenly you didn't hate him? The guy that pushed you into the fire? You just wanted forgiveness. You didn't actually want revenge. The whole murder plan was what, a lie? I am so over this. I should have DNF'd at the fight club.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    a-to-z-single-word-titles darkk dystopian

Izzy SM

420 reviews6 followers

April 7, 2023

4.5 ⭐

I really love the writing of Lexi Ray!!! It is addictive, fluid and correct. All showing and very little telling. Love it!

In this book, the story of Callie and Kai continues, now on the Westside. The world building is really interesting and this book is set against a very different scenario/ambiance than the first, as there more civilization on the Westside. Nevertheless, the main feeling is the same one that I loved in the first book.

(It's hard to review without spoilers, but I'm trying here 😁. Just hope this review ends up making sense...)

The first 30% of the book were a bit more slow than in the first one of the series, but not slow per se. And the pace is justified in the whole bigger arc plot.

The character development - Callie, Kai and Archer - is AMAZING. Amazing. By the end of the book all have grown and changed somehow. They have matured. Lovely to see that.

Why not 5 stars? Well, because up until 75% of the book there was too much of Archer's and Katura's POVs, IMO. From the perspective of the arc plot, it was interesting, but it felt like reading a book about two main couples (almost). I liked it, but it distracted from the main romance Callie/Kai. During the last 25% it was actually nice and contributed to the main romance story.

    5-paranormal-or-dystopia-romance dark-or-darkish series-cliffhanger

Megan Gildner

138 reviews

September 16, 2022

2.5 Stars this wasn’t great. Kai made it to the resort way to easily and then then archer stopped him a bunch of times. Archer let Kai and Callie stay in the same room but then still tried to Follow them everywhere. Archer revealing that he was just trying to say sorry the whole time and brining Callie to Zion was a way to apologize was kind of boring. Callie and Kai make it out but they decide to go back to help Archer. Kat’s purpose still isn’t revealed and that annoys me because the conflict between archer and Callie and Kai has been resolved so I don’t see why we need another book. Plus archer seems okay with taking care of everyone so why do we need to keep reading about him. I don’t think I’ll continue the series. Also Kai was just going to leave and not return to the east side to check on Bo or Maddy or Ty and Dani. And again with the Backward Nod bullsh*t

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


39 reviews

January 14, 2023

The book starts out from where we left on in the the first book (Outcast by Lexi Ray) where Callie has just been taken by the Chancellor and Kai of determined to get her back. He and the rest of the outcast set up a plan to get her back and to run away from Archer. Meanwhile Katura is enjoying being taken by Archer, she finds him intriguing but also super attractive and is trying to ignore the pull he has over her. Archer is just as much as intrigued by Katura as she is to him and wants to know more about who she is. What happens when the Chancellor finally apologizes about all the trauma he’s put Kai through but also learns who Katura really is? Will everything get better or turn much much worse?

Karine Sardarian

77 reviews2 followers

June 10, 2023

He choose girl over a brother, and for that, I will endlessly f*ck with him and that little mouse of his.

Daaaaamn! So, you ruined everything because you're f*cking child?!
And you feel boring?!
And this is our villian!?

Kai and blondy f*cks like a rabbits, even when he's injured.
We'll I don't judge them. Like, tomorrow they can die, but.
Blondy became some sex machine, even Kai shocked.

Villian always drunk.
Navi girl wanna f*ck him badly.

That's all.

Oh, wait...

Argh... I was so full of hope, that in the end I'll read something like Kai pov and his sitting, watching sunset and thinking how happy he is... BUT NO!


Atlanta Adams

413 reviews17 followers

July 16, 2023

I didn't enjoy Petal, the second part of the duet, as much as the first book, Outcast. This one wasn't as engaging to me, and plot-wise it seemed slower paced. I still wouldn't consider this a dark romance.

I thought some of the scenes with Kai and Callie were over-the-top and cheesy. The issues between Kai and Archer were resolved too quickly for my taste, and seemed a bit unbelievable when given their history and the events in the books. What I did enjoy was Callie's growing into a more assertive and confident character; I absolutely loved it when

Although the story doesn't end on a hard cliffhanger, there is an unresolved subplot that sets up Archer and Katura's story.


Karyl Brady

5 reviews

September 15, 2022

This was my first ARC read and I'm so happy it was. After reading Outcast and being left on such a cliffhanger, I was anxiously awaiting Petal. Once I started this book, I didn't stop. I am absolutely in love with Kai. The story between Kai and Callie is so sweet and this book keeps you on the edge wondering if the story will end well for them. Archer is the guy you love to hate and hate to love. But for some reason your drawn to him for the whole book. The interactions the characters have are so fun to read. I thought I knew how it would end... nope, it surprised me. It was a great read for me!

Killua Zoldyck

50 reviews1 follower

June 21, 2023

3.75 stars

The first book was so much better. I liked Archer's point of view and seeing where he is thinking. Mainly loved most of the characters.

The intimacy was to much and it became boring.

I had more than enough from Callie and Kai. I feel like Katura and Archer will be much more exciting in the next book. Although I missed having Ty in this book he was so much fun.

I think the only reason I am reading this series is because it is a post-apocalyptic book, and I LOVE Tony Stark wannabes.


497 reviews

October 20, 2023

Ok so this one was a bit better. Still the baby girl thing was cringy. Used way to much. I much rather have his nickname of petal. I think it's way better. But anywho let's get into it. I liked Kai in this book better than the first. The plot was great. It's starting to come together alot better. I liked the adventure. We got a better look at Crone at what makes him tick. It's going to be interesting with him and Kat for sure. I'm starting to understand thr dynamics of the island alot better. Def liking it more.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


1,472 reviews


November 4, 2023

dnf at about 60 percent. i really, really wanted ot like this, and i was giving it a fair go, but it jsut REALLY wasnt for me. between the constant POV changes, which ranged from smaller charcaters to maibn charcaters, and the just really confusing world built around them, i couldnt find it in me to like it. that said, if you like it, good on ya, i dont want to turn anyone away, but its just not for me.


30 reviews1 follower

March 13, 2024

This book just fell short for me.

Katura and Archer are the only reason I didn’t dnf this book.

The way the author wrote out Kai in this one was almost childlike and very immature.

The way he spoke/thought, felt like I was reading from 14 year olds pov if that makes sense???

And the smut in this honestly felt extremely uncomfortable, it felt like reading it from a young teens pov, not a fan at all.

Hoping the next book in this series is better since it’s archer & katura!


475 reviews1 follower

September 18, 2022

Honestly didn’t know what was going on with the setting at first but once i caught on and saw it was like a survival type i was surprised. But this is described as enemies to lovers and they just stared at eachother for two pages and then on the next they were saying they loved eachother idk, wasn’t making sense.


14 reviews

November 16, 2022

Enjoyed this book (2nd of a series of 3, with the 3rd book not out yet). The first book left on such a cliffhanger that I had to jump into this one. I liked that this filled in a lot of the what's and why's of the first book and expanded on more character relationships. I'm excited for the third book to be released later this month so I can see how the story plays out.

    forced-proximity male-hero-bad-boy male-hero-protective


82 reviews

December 29, 2022

This whole series so far is a 5/5!! Reading it was like being in an action movie and I loved every second of it. I almost wish that there was more Kai and Callie parts but it did start building my curiosity for the next book. Although I am sad that Kai and Callie’s story is ending, I am excited to start reading Archer’s and Katura’s.

Sydnee Schwab

27 reviews

October 28, 2023


I felt like this was very juvenile. Drama meant for a teenager. There's really no character development I read the first book and enjoyed the setting, but I almost didn't finish this one. There's two more books in the series and part of me doesn't want to finish because it's frustrating to read, but I also want to know how the story ends.

Dianelys Blanco

38 reviews

February 4, 2024

It had a lot expectations with this series, but at the end, it's less than I expected. And it's a shame bc I wanted to read it. I did at the end, but what happen in this book as the first one could have avoided if the character talks, but of course there wouldn't be a whole book series then.
Even though you can read it, but I expected much more and not this

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Teresa Estes

10 reviews

September 9, 2022

So good…

You can’t help but love Kai. I can’t wait for the third book to come out. I really like the whole concept of an island in the middle of nowhere being the only inhabitable place to live from the sound of it and the island definitely has its own set of problems.

Chanez Rh

75 reviews

September 14, 2022

became my favorite book before i even finished it. i want to read it again and again and again . i thought i hated the psycho villain but no i ended up feeling bad for him and wanting to understand him more and more which made me soooo eager to read book 3 when it comes out .can't wait!!!!


410 reviews2 followers

January 15, 2023

This is the second book in the Ruthless Paradise series and continues the storyline of Callie and Kai. I really enjoyed the reading the first book in the series and feel like this story gets better and better.

Petal (Ruthless Paradise, #2) (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.